Alveus Kitchens vol.3
Studio: Epilog creative studio

In year 2016 we were asked to prepare new way of presenting sinks of company Alveus. Our studio is responsible for the concept of showing sink as the central point of kitchen life during the whole day. The outcome of the project is about 30 CGI visuals showing various kitchen sinks  and the final step of the project is animation „One day in the life” summing up the whole concept. Today we are present some part o CGI visuals.
If you would like to see the animations prepared as part of this project you are welcome to:  Alveus - One day in the life
Alveus kitchens vol.3


Alveus kitchens vol.3

In year 2016 we were asked to prepare new way of presenting sinks of company Alveus. Our studio is responsible for the concept of showing sink as Læs mere
