“We live in a world where there is more and more in­for­ma­tion,and less and less mean­ing.”
– Jean Bau­drillard, Sim­u­lacra and Sim­u­la­tion
On­go­ing on­line in­ter­ven­tion; Started in 2011, video 2'39", Book, Web­site: thenewcolor.net

Mystification about the invention of brand new color, that doesn't have anything in common with all the colors and shades that we know. The project is carried out as internet intervention.
“The New Color” is an on­line in­ter­ven­tion con­sist­ing of a faux (im­i­ta­tive) web­site for a non-ex­is­tent Amer­i­can com­pany (ACI) spe­cial­iz­ing in the field of de­vel­op­ing chem­istry. On the web­site, the fic­ti­tious com­pany an­nounces a fic­ti­tious break­through con­sist­ing of a pre­vi­ously ‘undis­cov­ered’ color. The web­site is pre­sen­ta­tion of non-facts as news — in­clud­ing ad­ver­to­ri­als and video in­ter­views — ex­plores the in­trin­sic power of the me­dia to trans­form pub­lic per­cep­tion and stand in for new forms of knowl­edge pro­duc­tion. A vi­ral sen­sa­tion with broad so­cial im­pact, “The New Color” con­tin­ues to at­tract sig­nif­i­cant on­line at­ten­tion. Hun­dreds of vis­i­tors a week come across the web­site, hav­ing been re­ferred to it by on­line search en­gines and so­cial me­dia.
The peo­ple most in­trigued and de­luded by the so-called dis­cov­ery send an email to: con­tact@the­new­color.net, the fake com­pa­ny’s email, where they ex­press their de­sire to see the color, con­tin­ued re­quests to buy and or­der a sam­ple of it, ex­press in­ten­tions of com­ing over to the lab­o­ra­tory lo­cated in Ash­land, PA to see it, pro­pose to in­volve it in their pro­jects, or ex­press their in­ter­est in in­vest­ment and more. These kinds of emails are re­ceived nearly daily, the Face­book page sub­scribers are grow­ing, Google search ‘New Col­or’ of­ten de­liv­ers the­new­color.net on top of the list. In 2015 was is­sued a book as a doc­u­men­ta­tion and an out­come of the in­ter­ven­tion. It fea­tures most of the emails re­ceived on con­tact@the­new­color.net by Nov 2015.
The New Color
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The New Color

ENG Personal project, 2011, video 2'39", website: www.thenewcolor.net The project consists of the video carried out in the typical advertising 詳細を表示

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