Based in Shanghai, 6e digital is a leading agency which assists brands and corporates to enhance transitional business model into a digital world
6e digital 位于上海,是一家为品牌和企业提供数字化商业服务的领先广告公司。

6e digital Survival kit is specially designed for new crew, aiming at reinforce the corporation culture — 6 “e” (Evolution, Eclectic, Efficacy, Endurance, Ethical, Empathy), as well as One Piece(Japanese manga series) - like atmosphere
6e digital 起航礼盒是给所有新入职员工的礼盒,设计灵感来自公司文化中的6个“e” (Evolution, Eclectic, Efficacy, Endurance, Ethical, Empathy) 与“海贼”般的工作氛围

Design Direction: Katie Wang
Graphic Design: Katie Wang
Illustration: Renn Lu, Katie Wang
Photography Design: Della Shao, Lynn Liu
Intern Assistant: Yi Wu

6e Digital Survival Kit
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