The Brief
The purpose of this project was to create a digital campaign which could be used for good/ change and further develop how you see fit.
Brand Identity
After extensive research into the over sexualisation of women in advertising I wanted to focus on three main words for the design and style of the campaign, which were glitch, femme and girl power. I created a mood board which I feel reflects those words but it also has a darker undertone to the colours and style to represent the 'glitch' in the system which the campaign will create.
Digital Campaign
G.URL is a campaign, which is dedicated to bringing awareness to the over-sexualisation of women in advertising. By taking inspiration from ad hack campaigns we wanted to create a way to change this issue in a legal way. To do this, G.URL is an extension you can download on your laptop or device, which will block the oversexualised adverts of women from appearing on your screens.

By using social media such as twitter we would ask our community which adverts they feel they would want to be banned by taking polls. This would create a full community outreach and have the public take control of what they see, which they have not been able to do since the 1920’s.
Wider Campaign
I wanted to further develop the campaign idea by creating physical points of engagement, where the public would be able to see campaign promotions. I decided to create posters that play off of the idea of a 'glitch in the system' by having the posters displayed next to adverts which would potentially be over sexualising women. This would then create a visual metaphor for the campaign taking hold and disrupting the advertising space, which we have previously not had control of.
Touch Points
By also creating a range of posters and touchpoints such as office stationary, stickers and totebags G.URL would be able to create a full community outreach in both the digital and physical form.
g.url Campaign

g.url Campaign

G.URL is a campaign, which is dedicated to brining awareness to the over sexualisation of women in advertising by creating an extension for your 閱讀更多
