City Night
City Night is a project by Stijn Orlans. The project is based around the view of a city in China at night time.
The progress
Below are 3 images. The first one is a clay render without the textures, the second one is the final rendered image and the third image is after photoshop. Total amount of work: About 10 days.

The render was mainly made in MAXON Cinema 4D. All the texturing and lighting was done with c4d. The different assets like the trash cans, light posts, vending machine etc. were modelled in Fusion360. The progress of making the assets in a different program made the scene less heavy and it was easier to work with. 

The rendering was done with OTOY octane render inside Cinema4D. The design for the billboards was done in photoshop. I got help from Ingrid Tsy for the translation. Finally I added a color correction in Photoshop. Usually my renders are pretty flat. That way i can add more color and contrast in post work. The idea was inspired by Liam Wong.
City Night


City Night

City Night - A 3D project by Stijn Orlans
