TurtleMail is a wooden, wifi connected, mail box for kids. Parents, family, and friends can send the kids they love printed mail as quickly and as easily as sending a text message.
Turtle Mail is a product that was designed and built by AE Dreams, a small, Pittsburgh, PA based startup. 

I was asked by AE Dreams to help them design their Web App experience. 
I led the team through multiple design studio sessions where we would prioritize the web app features, articulate the information architecture, and sketch out preliminary designs. 
I also used Balsamiq to mock-up and usability test core features of the web app, such as the composition and sending of Turtle Mail messages.
Mock-up of Turtle Mail web app Dashboard
Mock-up of Turtle Mail web app message history
Current implemented version of the Turtle Mail web app mail composition feature
Current implemented version of the Turtle Mail web app mail composition feature
The "beta" version of the web app has been built and released, and is currently being used by hundreds of Turtle Mail owners.

You can learn more about AE Dreams and Turtle Mail at https://aedreams.com/
Turtle Mail web app

Turtle Mail web app

