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Member Sign-In/Sign-Up

Old Member Sign-In design
One of the core problems was that the only way to sign-up for a new membership was to first interact with the sign-in form and click on the bottom link. This was confusing and often not found by new users.
Old Member Sign-Up Design
There were a number of problems with the original design, including the disconnect and confusion surrounding what it means to sign-up for a "Basic" (Free) membership and what it means to sign-up for a "Premium" (Paid) membership. In the new design we sought to make it much more clear what the difference is between the two membership types and how to sign-up for either.
Member Sign-Up "Golden Path"
Member Sign-Up "Golden Path"
New member sign-in and sign-up form
The new member sign-up interface has on-the-fly error checking, which allows users to see which fields are incorrect (and what they need to do to fix them) prior to submitting the form.
Gift codes are also evaluated on-the-fly, so the user can see the success and value of their gift code prior to submitting the form. 
Once you successfully sign-up for a membership, you are welcomed by one of Weather Underground's "Wunderfriends" and an introduction to some of the benefits to membership.
Member Sign-In/Sign-Up

Member Sign-In/Sign-Up

The is a redesign of the member sign-in/sign-up process for Weather Underground. In this project we improved the UX of the account creation proce Read More


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