Profiel van Rebecka Tiselius

/_capturing space in sound/_exploration

Rebecka Tiselius
Esteban Gast
Amelie Von Celsing
Architecture is music.
Through our site analysis we created a film+music strip by translating semantic memories into notes.
To relate that into the space, it is in scale. Every meter of the street we picked up certain given parameters using our sematic memory combined with a strip of paper and a pen.
The film strip is 7min, what it takes to walk the street.

From memories of a space in a explicit moment in this case Camden High Street, we created music.
To try this we created a filter made of a few given parameters, light/dark window, how many floor a building have, road signs, trash bins, restaurant/post/bank/…and so on. It could go on forever.
Everything that the real world exists of without our mind doing selections be cause of our past experiences and how we want to be perceived by others.
/_capturing space in sound/_exploration

/_capturing space in sound/_exploration

Architecture is music.
