Promotional brochure for a supposed opening of a Vans flagship store in Barcelona.
The idea was to give something more to the costumers and to create and expand culture more than show the products that the brand sells.

Vans, focused on skating and street art audience, I rather preferred to show and reveal an artist who has done of Barcelona a playground, a place to put a kind of art more cultured than the main street art we are accustomed to seeing. And where a kind of Eco sensibility is mixed with Instagram and lifestyle.

After an interview with @espontani, I made an article about his work and I put it part on the brochure next to some images of his pieces. A small selection that I made among all that he gave me.
If you are interested on the artist you can follow him on his instagram! 


Promotional brochure for a supposed opening of a Vans flagship store in Barcelona. Project done in EINA.
