Patta - Running "Culture"

If you think running is for freaks, skinny dad - alike - sportsmen or those
who desperately want to loose some weight - you better run. 

Biggest cities around the world are represented worldwide by their run crews, 
gathering people not only around running. Joined by lifestyle, music, art, parties - graffiti
artists, lawyers, doctors, DJs run together.

This short is for all of those who thought that they can’t run seen through eyes of Edson Sabajo,
co-founder of Patta - a legendary dutch brand.
Director: Bartłomiej Walczuk
DOP: Kajetan Plis 
Art-Direction: Adam Caban
Copywriter: Bartosz Grędysa
Music: Auer + Adamczyk
Color Correction: Kajetan Plis
Edit: Tomasz Bochniak
Sound on set: Adam Cieplak
Sound Design: Błażej Kafarski, Darek Podhajski / Głośno Studio
Client Service: Magdalena Kozanowska
Production: Monika Kubatek / HART Warsaw
Agency: 180heartbeats + JUNG v MATT
Running ‚Culture’ premiered on 26.03 during the Kiss My Airs Warsaw party
- biggest worldwide celebration of sneakers.

We would love to thank Patta, Patta Running Team and Nike Poland team for helping us during this crazy trip.
Crew love. Now spread the word.

Patta - Running "Culture"

Patta - Running "Culture"

Patta Running Team from Amsterdam is a crew formed in 2010 by Edson Sabajo - founder and co-owner of cult sneakers store Patta. Their teamis a m Mehr anzeigen

