This is my student project. The idea was to create a product that has one goal, saving lives. Looking back at it i am still proud of it because of some basic laws of physics and very realistic technology that i incorporated in this product. As you go through this presentation you'll maybe think that design could be more stylish but at that moment shape of RGG was primarily  in favor of function. So basic configuration and propulsion system is something that i think is very close to realistic and working model. Of course this kind of product needs much longer examination and testing period.

So here it goes:

Rescuegg is automatic selfnavigating device for water rescuing in normal and stormy weather conditions.The main idea of the concept was to make a system of human protection on all means of water transpotationin situations when fast and efficiant rescuing with ordinary methods is imposible to perform,due to weather predicament, unnoticed fall of the person in the water or physical inability of the people on board to react fast and efficiant.The main task of the rescuegg is to reach the drowner despite weather and to secure him from possibledrowning until help comes. The aim was to design products interior as well as exterior so that it’s funcionalitywould be realistic.
An egg as an example of natures perfect shape has been an initial inspiration. Safety and compactability are egg’s values which have been transfered to this concept.
The accent of the design was to create compact product that would work efficiently, and to dissmis any chance of hurting somebody when working. Therefor oval shape and smooth edges are reasonably used.
With load centre on the bottom side provides stability in water, and even if turned on top it brings rescuegg instantly back to working position.
Weighting approximately 3 to 5 kg, with only 1/3 of its body out of the water rescuegg is stabile even when floating.Its position in water and it hydrodynami Weighting approximately 3 to 5 kg, with only 1/3 of its body out of the water rescuegg is stabile even when floating.
Stability from inside. This view shows that the weight inside the rescuegg is uniformly spaced
The remedy of navigation is remotable bracelet which would be worn round wrist.Once activated the bracelet would send a signal to rescuegg giving it data aboutit’s current position.
The size of the rescuegg and it’s position on ships, boats and other watertransporting machines are especially taken in considiration to accomodateefficiant usage of space and to provide rescuegg’s best possible positionfor managing it’s task. The holder is also the charger of the rescuegg’s batteries.
The accent of the design was to create compact product that would work efficiently, and to dissmis any chance of hurting somebody when working. Therefor oval shape and smooth edges are reasonably used.
Tunnels safety caps
Stability cut-outs
Blinking LED light 
Push to release button and carrying handle
Antenna is separated during transportation 
Logo, pictograms and packaging for Rescueeg
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Rescuegg is automatic selfnavigating device for water rescuing in normal and stormy weather conditions.
