A couple of behind-the-scenes shots from a tech-rehearsal for  'Julian Running'  at the Festival of Australian Student Theatre 2012.

The story follows the adventures of an eight-year-old boy, Julian, who escapes to sea on a carnival jumping castle in a bid to never grow up. The show is unique in that not only is the medium of shadow puppetry quite uncommon, but also in that the puppeteers themselves are not hidden from view. Their elaborate gestures and movements are as much a part of the show as the puppets themselves who move through their monochrome landscapes in a graceful slow-motion. Even the wiring used to control the puppets is deliberately left in plain sight giving the viewer an immense appreciation for the amount of work that goes in to bringing these characters to life. The show incorporates an innovative use of lighting, multiple screens and a wonderful soundtrack to capture the audience's imagination and was performed to a packed out venue with many guests crowding around the windows just to catch a glimpse.
Julian Running

Julian Running

Behind-the-scenes on a nautical shadow puppetry, indie-folk musical.

