Fanta & Sprite Tet 2017

Fanta & Sprite Tet 2017
Tet is a big occasion in Vietnam when all the brands try to do something. And because it's an annual event, sometimes the artworks become very cliche: just simply some random stock images with traditional details here and there. So when Fanta and Sprite required for 2017 Tet box designs, we decided to put some [quite] extra efforts. 

The main task is always to deliver the new year celebration. But we also added some different interesting stories on every box. Let's take a tour now.

Thanks to the talented illustrators of Tree Entertaiment and everyone who supported to make this happen :).

Client : Coca-cola Vietnam
Agency : Phibious
Production: Tree Entertainment
Associate Creative Director : Vuong Nguyen
Art Director: Vương Nguyễn, Kei Nguyễn
Production Team Leader: Nguyễn Kei
Illustrator: Phạm Rồng, Dương Hoàng
Designer: Tân Nguyễn, Nhi Trần, 'Muỗi' Nguyễn, Clemont
Copywriter: Huy 'Leo' Phan
Senior Account Executive: Nhi Phạm

The illustrations
After several [many] rounds of exploration and research, finally, we found some relevant occasions/events to tell stories and making layouts. We came up with ideas of a serie of 3 visuals represent for 3 regions of Vietnam with distinct culture activities and behaviours. 3 packs when display together will become a united picture of Vietnamese Tet.
Easter eggs / hidden messages
There have a fews Easter Eggs for people who love details (like us) to find out. Tet is also a good time to start new things, new habits, "green habits" which relates to Sprite's green. So what kind of 'green habits' we embedded here? Can you spot it out?

OK. Here they are*.

#1 - Using less nylon or plastic bags. There is only one woman carrying disposable plastic bags.
#2 - Canvas bags can be cool and fashionable too.
#3 - Walking more is better for your health and the environment.
#4 - Be a gentle man, man, always caring for your loved one.
* these easter eggs are almost removed from the final artworks cause of revisions, the Sprite illustration has been changed totally.
Fanta Orange
#1 - Remind and support the traditional values like áo dài and calligraphy.
#2 - LGBT support, unofficially, we planned the rooster mascot will have 7 colors.
#3 - The walkway inspired from Nguyen Hue avenue, we are the second brand that portrait this city's new walking avenue. After Craven A - a local well known cigarette brand.
#4 - This scene is seen from Thu Thiem peninsula, district 2, which not exist yet! We traveled to the future and draw it then came back.
Fanta Sarsi
#1 - The modern áo dài, which will  remind you to Huulala, a fashion phenomenon since last year.
#2 - Nobita-kun glasses, still a trend until now right? 
There are a lots of options that we already discovered. Let's go through it.
Here is the Sprite and its version.
And Fanta. The hardest one.
The carton box
And yes, our works are national-wide advertised on TV : ).
Fanta & Sprite Tet 2017
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