Perfil de YiChi Chou


思漉 SiLu

(Multimedia- Graduated Project)

Design : 
蕭仿吟 Fang-Yin Hsiao / 詹淯詞 Yu-Tzu Chan / 周以琪 Yi-Chi Chou / 陳加銘 Tan Kah Beng
:: 作品簡介 Concept



This work is about the process of making the handmade paper called Si-Lu.
We always thought the paper is familiar to us, but we may not consider that handmade paper was made by multiple processes, and it had to pay a lot of hard working and attentions. The length of time or different environmental factors would affect the paper’s appearance and characteristic. As a result, the handmade paper has the different fascinating appearance.
In the ancient times, the technique of the paper-making through the Silk Road in China into the Western and influenced their culture. Therefore, our work of the Si-Lu recorded the process of handmade paper making. Through the Si-Lu, people can learn more about the handmade paper.

:: 文字旁白 Script

你是否想過 一張張 隨手可得的紙 背後 所歷經的故事呢?
我們走訪南投埔里 紀錄手工紙廠 造紙的過程
思漉以多媒體互動網頁方式 將手工造紙流程
讓您在網頁上 製作出 不同樣貌的 手工紙張
思漉 與您一起重拾手工紙 最初的感動

Did you ever think about the story of paper?
We went to the handmade paper industry and recorded the process of papermaking.
Finally, we made a website which is about the handmade paper.
The website not only introduces the process of handmade paper but provides an interaction of papermaking.
The users’ choices would affect the paper’s appearance and characteristic.
Through the Si-Lu, people can learn more about the handmade paper.
:: 思漉宣傳影片 Handmade Paper Video
:: Storyboard
:: Styleframe 
⧉ 完整紀錄影片  Handmade Paper Documentary
⧉ 手工紙製作流程  Handmade Paper Process 
⧉  網站設計/故事互動  Website 
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手工紙張之所以感動人,是背後乘載著紙匠們的溫度與記憶。造紙像是一段旅程,每個步驟都耗費人力與時間,交織的纖維裡彷彿訴說著無盡的故事。 This work is about the process of making the handmade paper called Si-Lu.

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