Profil Salvador Hernandez Jr

MA2223 The Graphic Novel: Web & Print

OVERVIEW: "The Case of the Iron Horse"
Done over the first 5 weeks of the course, this first comic is based around the simple gag of "what if the main character had a butt for a face?" that was also able to fit into the hard-limit of 5 pages. While also being humorous in general for me it served as a test for myself of doing pencils, inks by hand and integrating this into Photoshop/Clip Studio.
OVERVIEW: "Axe Badass: Enter the Axe"
Done over the last 5-6 weeks of the course, with limitations taken off for page limits, I pushed myself writing out a full issue pilot following the adventures of a armored woman with a robot arm and giant axe in tow, simply called Axe Badass. Originally planned as a animated short, this mishmash of "Berserk" and "Mad-Max" based on the premise from a friend who said" Giant Axes are cool." Taking what I learned from the previous comic and dialing down the hatching detail, and focusing on grey scale tone coloring for stronger color compositions.

MA2223 The Graphic Novel: Web & Print

MA2223 The Graphic Novel: Web & Print

two original comics done for my graphic novel class over the course of 11 weeks
