Brenda Wickers profil

Insight Magazine Style Guide

Website Style Guide for Insight Magazine
Mockup of the Insight Magazine Website, showing an article on Color Theory
This project was an assignment to design a prototype web-page for a web magazine called Insight. The example page was to be an article on Color Theory, with the intent of being a style guide reference to use when styling future pages for the magazine. 

The page has a simple yet eye catching brand in the header. The navigation is easy to find and use without overwhelming the header. The search feature is easy to find without being in the way. 

The web page as a whole is colorful and easy to read. The hierarchy is clear, using font sizes, styles, and weights to separate content and give more emphasis where required. Different formats were used to make the content easier to read and to break up long blocks of text. 

Every styling choice was formatted with paragraph styles, so it would be easy for a future designer to come along and repeat the same look on other pages.   
Website Style Guide for the Insight Magazine, showing an example article on Color Theory.
Insight Magazine Style Guide

Insight Magazine Style Guide

Web Page Style Guide for Insight Magazine
