UX & IA's profile

Personas, scenarios, behavioural matrices

Project brief
Build robust personas for four pre-defined health care professionals and create a digital matrix for each persona that displays key digital behaviours associated with professional activity.

I design and develop personas making use of primary research data.

Summary of project process
1.Primary research in the form of 45 minute interviews with 85 healthcare professionals provided the raw data upon which the personas would be built. Personas were created through use of the Cooper method.

2. I created personas for a Specialist consultant, Specialist nurse, General Practitioner, and Pharmacist. These were displayed in identical format depicting summary information, description, goals, and behavioural matrix.
3. The behavioural matrices from each of the individual personas were displayed together in one graphic to enable the project team to visualise, compare, and contrast the behaviours of the different health care professionals with one another.
Personas, scenarios, behavioural matrices

Personas, scenarios, behavioural matrices

Personas and behavioural matrices highlighting how different health care professionals interact with online technology, their attitudes towards e Read More
