havaianas summer classics

havaianas is one of the most iconic brazilian brands, and for this summer they made a colab with fruttare, the most famous fruit popsicle in brazil. our job was to create a 360º campaign, including advertising, key visual, prints, a special mailing, packaging, installation, marketing and store decoration. it was really fun to do this job since brazil, summer, heat, popsicle, havaianas and fruttare are all part of this tropical and and colorful universe.

client: havaianas
agency: almapbbdo
cd: marcus sulzbacher
design: johann vernizzi, marcela assef
art assistance: guilherme lobão
illustration: johann vernizzi (graphics), gelmi (3d)

we also created a special mailing to bloggers, celebrities and vip's. this was a frozen mailing: a styrofoam box loaded with popsicles and two pairs of havaianas sandals, that were packed as if they were a huge popsicle. we also used dry ice inside the styrofoam, so the temperature would be cool enough to keep the popsicles from melting. this way, when the mailing arrived to the recipient, everything was cool and refreshing.

Havaianas & Fruttare Summer
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