"The artworks created byJessica-May Bergh pertain to forge new realms between technology and nature. The works create a feeling of preciousness, but also a feeling of the possibility of a lost world. Thus the natural becomes preserved in a naïve and almost romantic way" by Deléne Human
Forge 1
Mixed Media (Leaves and PC components) on Black Velvet
60 cm x 40 cm x 30cm
Forge 2 (Detail)
Mixed Media (Leaves and PC components) on Black velvet.
25 cm x 20 cm x 10cm

The alchemists believed that alchemy (a science believed to change iron into gold through quicker methods constructed by man) is the bridge between matter and spirit. In order to achieve the transcendence of the body and soul, they are purified through the torture, death and resurrection of the body and soul. Therefore, alchemy is the secret art of obtaining the absolute; better know as philosopher’s stone, or elixir to life.
My work discusses issues of transcendence of the natural through the seamlessly, union of the technological. I have placed the natural on a velvet surface, to elevate the natural from the states of the mundane to statutes of prestige and thus preciousness. I have taken the natural from its disorder and chaotic realm into order and perfected, hyper-realized version of itself. My work presents the natural and technological as the philosophers stone in a seamless fusion and thus becomes the desired myth. It is the transcendence of the natural from the physical to the meta-physical; the work represents the bridge betweenthe matter and spirit. It is the philosopher’s stone.
Forge 3
Mixed Media (Leaves and PC components) on Black Velvet
40 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm
Forge 3 (Detail)
Mixed Media (Leaves and PC components) on Black Velvet
40 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm
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The alchemists believed that alchemy (a science believed to change iron into gold through quicker methodsconstructed by man) is the bridge betwee Leer más


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