Profil von Denis BezrukovProfil von Aleksei Mo

KUKA — brand identity

KUKA. Unions from everything.

The owner of a workshop Karina Kulikova makes magic gifts from flowers, fruit, alcoholic and soft drinks, sweets and other products. The name consists of initials of the owner of "KU" - Kulikova, "KA" - Karina. Absolutely by the way it is conformable with the verb "cook" as Karina's unions consist of flowers to a lesser extent — generally from products and fruit.

Cocktail from ingredients of unions formed the basis of visual identification.
The logo and elements of style are collected from the abstract fruits, leaflets and lobes. Similar approach allowed to achieve identical perception of the name both in Latin of "KUKA", and in cyrillic option of "KУKA".
KUKA — brand identity

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KUKA — brand identity

KUKA — это мастерская нескучных букетов из всего. Владелец мастерской Карина Куликова делает волшебные подарки из цветов, фруктов, алкогольных и Mehr anzeigen
