Eliska Dudova's profile

BIG BIRD - table lamp

table lamp
The table lamp was created at Designskolen Kolding, in Denmark, where I was like erasmus student last year. We had very interesting project about lights with very nice and intersting leaders and designers. They working as designers and developers of light source for Philips brand. We could choose every lightings, what we wanted to do.

I decided make a interesting, good working and maximally usefull table lamp. My inspiration for final shape were bird´s beaks and shapes of bird´s bodies.
This is well made and timeless product in terms of both design and manufacturing. The fixture is technically very complex, but the visual looks simple and clean. A shape is made functionally as well crafted. Thanks company Kovo Blecha is the lamp works very well . It has a many complicated technical details. Almost no one who has not passed through the process of production, a fact not imagine what sorts of obstacles may occur. The company Blecha offers to precise manual processing of employees. Each piece is the lamp Big Bird is made ​​by hand, so the each piece is an original!
The lamp is made from metal and then following process is the application of powder paint. It does exist also in stainless steel version without coloring.
For light sourse are using LED strips cover by diffuse part from Hi-macs. Also you can use regulator of the lighting.


photographer : Eliška Dudová, Filip Gyore
Producer Kovo Blecha    www.kovoblecha.sk
Kolding, Denmark   www.designskolenkolding.dk
Bratislava, Slovakia
BIG BIRD - table lamp

BIG BIRD - table lamp

table lamp Big Bird
