Strike Fire
Competition and Personal Project
Strike Fire is the name of my personal project for a competition back in July. It is done for LYTO Game Festival 2012, a national game event which housed many event and game competition. The idea came from various First-Person Shooter (FPS) naming Call Of Duty, Battlefield, ArmA; Including its promotional images.

The usual basic for my project is included after; Sketching, the Painting, the compositing (I made separate pieces for the character, although this always comes first), and the final touch. The references from the composition came from Forgotten Realms (© Wizards of the Coast LLC) as they compositing the whole character first, and then have the detail one-by-one.
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The Final Image
Sketching. HB Pencil and Blue graphite Mechanic Pencil.
Detail of character 1 - ULP/SPOP
Detail of character 2 - OMOH
Detail of character 3 - SAS
Fire Strike


Fire Strike

Personal Project for LGF 2012 Fan Art Competition.
