Workout Season Web App.

The Team
Sandip, Rinku, Anupriy, Lokesh, Nikhil.

Smiling. Walking. Playing. Thinking. Working. Relaxing. Workout Season believed our every action, every emotion and every thought is a workout. 

As a platform, Workout Season aimed to help you improve the way you workout and live fuller, holistic lives. Daily Tiny Workouts for the mind, body and soul. For you, the community and world. 

It was also our team's first time working with a Polymath (A person with wide knowledge, learning and experience).

Through different sprints, workshops, brainstorming sessions and peer reviews over the period of 2-3 months we came up with our first version of the digital experience and platform. And, below are some of the screens from that first version. 

Our team worked on the digital experience, customer journey, content and information architecture, visual grammar, interaction design, social and digital strategy, implementation, community and response management as well as project management. 

We created this app-based experience to help keep people engaged with the program across media with a host of different workouts. We also created a social currency called FitChips that users could possibly in the future accrue and exchange for things in the real world. 
Workout Season Web App.