proving the promise
2008 annual report for the center for charter schools
A piece that needed to connect with university administrators, board members, educators, parents and state legislators — Proving the Promise entailed careful image selection and a need for colorful visuals. The piece was so heavy with text that I fought to keep the cover simple and clean. A folded card was placed over the top of the cover for situations in which the report would be dropped off as a leave behind. Statistics and factoids were illustrated whenever possible and the back cover of the report folded out to reveal an information dashboard containing three categories: the boards, the schools, the center. The dashboard was used strategically in conversation with board members and legislators to help them to better understand the numbers when making important decisions that may impact the schools. 
proving the promise

proving the promise

The 2008 annual report for the Center for Charter Schools. Offset print, 36 pages plus a 3-panel cover.

