My brother-in-law's girlfriend left a dead-end job to start her
own bakery business, Eli's Sweet Treats - named for her grandson.
I was so inspired by her gumption that I offered to create a package logo for her.
What follows are the steps I took to create the design for Eli's Sweet Treats.
I asked for a smiling photo of Eli. Cute kid!
I cropped the photo to Eli's face so I could outline his features. I had in mind, from the start, the Wendy's logo.
So I pasted a copy of it next to Eli's "mug" for reference.

And when it comes to cute kid logos, let's not forget Little Debbie! (Little Debbie bonus:
Other "food" logo ideas were downloaded. (I start every project with a folder I label "downloads" comprising
downloaded images for inspiration and guidance.)

Sketches usually appear at the beginning of the process but in this case, I started sketching ideas at this point.
I like the way the type looked next to the pointing hand. I kept the exploration short and to the point for time and
cost reasons. I've seen art directors' rooms covered wall-to-wall with logo sketches!

Combined face outline, type and framing treatment.
New package label logo - Eli's Sweet Treats - on pear muffins - yum!
Food Package Logo

Food Package Logo
