The world is like a sumptuous feast of every imaginable colour, each and every one dear to us as they reflect our most delicate feelings. In fact, the word iro, 'colour' in Japanese, also signifies 'lover'. Once all colours are joined however, they immediately turn to the chaos of grey. Yet, in this case, chaos does not signify death or nothingness as a terminal entity, but rather as a period of transformation, filled with the energy of all these colours, which will give birth to new colours once again. This is based on the second law of thermodynamics, entropy, with its basic assumption that the quantity of energy in the universe remains constant. Just as all colours become grey through the process of mixture, so is the final destination of entropy a chaotic world filled with enormous energy, which eventually will be reduced when it transforms itself into a singular form that arises from this chaos: life, information or meaning, which all are the same, seen from the perspective that chaos represents meaninglessness.

The colour white has a particular unusual identity because it can also be seen as the absence of colour, being 'all colours' and 'no colour' at the same time. This identity as a colour that can 'escape colour' makes white a very special entity, namely the same extreme form of negative entropy that is bound and determined to make a clean escape out of chaos. Although life itself is thus white, the same latent possibilities of transformation into other colours make it very delicate and fragile, just as we saw that life eventually radiates colour. Life comes into this world as white, but it begins to acquire colour the moment of its birth, assuming concrete form and touching the earth. White, in this world, is no more than a vestige and an illusive manifestation of its originate concept. It exists on the periphery of life, just as bleached bones speak to us of death while the whiteness of milk and eggs connects us to life.

It is essentially this condition of latent transformation, and the possible identity as non-colour as a symbol of non-being, that connects white to emptiness. White moves in the opposite direction of the grey of chaos, being the singular form that emerges from the meaninglessness of emptiness and disorder. But this emptiness is, as we saw before, not a condition of complete hollowness but rather of energy prior to transformation into new life: an empty state that possesses the power of becoming by virtue of its receptive nature.

Hence, because non-being longs for being, on occasion it creates a stronger sense of being, than being itself.

qualities: aurum, argentum, lignum vitae, diospyros, dalbergia, arbor vitae, acer & poly-urethane.
feelings: liver, ivory, mango, spinach & aqua.
Argentum & Lignum Vitae
Liver Poly-Urethane & Arbor Vitae
Ivory Poly-Urethane & Lignum Vitae
Mango Poly-Urethane & Argentum
Spinach Poly-Urethane & Lignum Vitae
Aqua Poly-Urethane & Argentum


Because non-being longs for being On occasion it creates a stronger sense of being Than being itself
