2017 Chinese New Year HongBao
The Year of Rooster

A while back I saw this documentary on Alexander McQueen, and was amazed by this exhibition called “Savage Beauty”,
particularly the dress with gold feathers.
So when it comes the time to design the 2017 Chinese New Year HongBao(Red Envelope),
I decided to pay homage to Alexander McQueen.
2017 is the year of rooster, so right away I knew I wanted to design a gold feather pattern on the HingBao instead of
drawing a rooster graphic.

I will admit that the process of drawing the feather was rather painful;
pulling each fiber of each string of feather became almost an obsessive repetition.

But that was exactly the homage to Alexander McQueen, a master of his own crafts. someone who is so focused and determinant to perfects his artistry, that it became almost an obsession.

I know I will never achieve anything even close to Alexander McQueen’s success, nor are we even in the same industry. But I believe in everything that he stands for: always breaking down boundaries and have strong belief about his artistry, so faithful that it becomes a religion.

The relation to McQueen became even closer when I presented this design to my company (it was originally designed for my company’s annual HongBao). The design was rejected due to reasons that it looks too European and not traditional Chinese and the red is not bright enough, I used a red that is too dark. My company ended up using a design that is really traditional with an entire rooster graphic and calligraphy Chinese writing on it.

My design was rejected but I have faith in it, and I’m glad instead of putting my company’s logo on it I get to put down my name. It may not be traditional or what you normally expect to see for HongBao design, but I believe in the message it brings, I believe it will inspire.
Bronzing HongBao: SOAR
燙金紅包: 翱翔

Instead of any traditional greeting for Chinese New Year, I simply put down “2017 SOAR” on the HongBao. The word SOAR appears to be mirrored for the number 2017, which foreshadows the feather design motif.

The gold feather pattern is applied vertically so it only appears to be groups of feathers wrapping around the HongBao. It is not until you hold it in front of the mirror in certain angle you will then see a pair of wings spread wide, ready to soar.
Digital Copy

Lastly, on the year of rooster,
I wish you all a wonderful new year and this year may us all soar.
Greeting Card and HongBao Set

As usual, the Chinese New Year set includes both HongBao (Red Envelope) and greeting card / lantern.
For the design process of 2017 SOAR greeting card / lantern, please visit the link below:

Thank You