Profil Eugenia MaximovaProfil Dmitry Sidorov

Packaging for regional product of Khakassia

Packaging for regional product of Khakassia
Talgan - a traditional food of indigenous peoples of Khakasia. It's fried, ground grains of wheat and barley. 
Khakasses add it to almost every dish and constantly talk about its invaluable benefits. Even holidays of the republican level are dedicated to this product.The main goal of this project -  is to create a packaging, that reflects the national and historical culture of this region. And also to create an opportunity for a farmer to brand his goods, and easily replicate it with simple affordable means. 

Exploring the ancient petroglyphs which are famouse in Khakassia, I chose the technique for create packaging. Just as ancient Khakasses carved drawings on rocks, I cut out various illustrations on linoleum. This technique 
is called linocut. 

I created a series of packages, united by a common brand "Talgan".  An eco-friendly material was chosen 
for this packaging because it convenient to use and available to any farmer. Talgan will be sold at every fair 
of agricultural products.

Using the yeast dough of Talgan, Khakas bake flat cakes, biscuits and cookies.
In the process of working on these bags, I decided that not only the drawings should be national in character, 
but also the font, so unusual letters were created specifically for this product.

Sometimes Khakas eat Talgan as a porridge, adding some sugar or jam. 
Therefore, several labels for a jam have been developed in the same style.

Packaging for regional product of Khakassia

Packaging for regional product of Khakassia

Packing for regional product
