Dirk Wachsmuth profili

ILM Art Department Challenge

I participated in the Industrial Light and Magic Department challenge powered by Artstation. The challenge was splitted into three rounds of hard work. Thousands of very creative people jumped into this adventure with an uncertain ending. After every round the team of ILM judged about the contributions and gave a few of them the chance to enter the next phase.

I made it to the second round, but not to the final one.

These are my contributions:

The Moment

'Probe Droid on Dagobah'

A vagilant probe droid searches for rebels or maybe for Luke Skywalker in person on Dagobah.

I love the mood and atmosphere on Dagobah. It fascinated me since I was a kid.
'Yoda feels a great disturbance in the Force'

This image is a reference to the great disturbance in the Force Obi Wan feels on board of the Millenium Falcon in the moment when Alderaan is blasted by the Empire. So I wanted to show how Yoda reacts at this moment.

'The Severed Arm'

The idea was to show the moment a Jedi lost his prosthetic arm with his (or maybe her's) Lightsaber.

'B'omarr Monk's last Pilgrimage'

A 'bodyless' B'omarr monk on a pilgrimage on Tatooine. He is being hunted by some nasty Jawas. The scene reminds of cowboys catching a wild horse.

The Ride

'Cargo Delivery on Kuat'

I started to think about interesting places in the Star Wars galaxy where I would love to create a vehicle for. Kuat was definitely one of these locations. A terraformed planet in the center of the galaxy surrounded by a huge circular orbital shipyard. Whenever someone wants to build such a huge flotilla like the imperials need, he needs resources from outside the system. These ressources need to be transported to keep the machines of the industry running. Besides the sophisticated matriarchy of Kuat has a hunger of exotic luxury goods. Most of the planet's surface is described as an artificial park-like habitat but I think they run some scattered industry on it too. Anyway, they would need cargo transportation ships. My idea was to show one of these ships at the moment of delivering cargo to a planetary site.
'Coruscant Sewer Cleaners'

The idea is that a team of specialized workers clean the normalised tubes of the sewer system with their cleaning machine. Four seats and a lot of cleaning tools (circular vibro-blades, scraper-robot-arms and rotating shovels) are mounted on one cylindrical shaped vehicle. The job is hard but they have to do it. Sometimes they can find great things in the nearly infinite deepness of the sewer system. In my scene they killed a straying Dianoga critter and showcase it in the light of the machine's headlights.

These are the 3D elements for 'Probe Droid on Dagobah'.
Some early sketches and a 3D blockin for the Yoda -scene.
The severed arm was completely modelled in ZBrush and rendered in Keyshot.
The 3d elements and the steps of the final painting for 'B'omarr Monk's last Pilgrimage'.
Some rough sketches and 3d elements for ''Cargo Delivery on Kuat'.
Sketches and the final scene for 'Coruscant Sewer Cleaners'.
ILM Art Department Challenge
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