Profilo di 刘 嘉鑫

插畫「Owl」 Illustration「Owl」

▧ 名稱:Owl
▧ Title:Own

▧ 創作時間:2013-7-3
▧ Date:2013-7-3
▧ 工具:Photoshop、Wacom intuos 5 (PTH-850)
▧ Tools:Photoshop、Wacom intuos 5 (PTH-850)

▧ 概述:在插畫主題的選擇上決定用「神秘」一詞進行創作,創作時設想營造一種清透卻又神秘的氣氛;主題物也選擇了在各國文化中均有神秘、隱秘印象的「貓頭鷹」與「新月」;選擇用中世紀風格珠寶鋪滿整個新月增加畫面質感(珠寶設計並未臨摹或拓印任何現有成品),這幾種元素結合在一起后完美展現出整個畫面的主題。貓頭鷹佇立在掛滿各式珠寶新月上,凝視面向畫面的人,您是否能從它深邃的雙眼中讀出那一抹高傲的孤寂?
▧ Description:The subject of illustration is mystery. Owl and crescent which represent secret in cultures of different countries are chosen to create a clear and mysterious atmosphere. The crescent is overspread with medieval jewelries which makes the picture great quality. Thus, the combination of these elements welled express the subject. The Owl standing on the gem-studded crescent stare at people who watch this picture. Could you feel the loneliness from those deep eyes? 
插畫「Owl」 Illustration「Owl」

插畫「Owl」 Illustration「Owl」




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