Profil appartenant à Nick Liefhebber

Goede Papieren - Literature Museum magazine

Goede Papieren is a magazine for samaritans, supporters and friends of the Dutch Literature Museum. Discussing everything from exhibitions and writers to items from their vast archive. Vruchtvlees asked me to create three different illustrations for three different articles.
Josepha's comeback - Hanna Bervoets. About what the thoughts of feminist avant la lettre Josepha Mendel could have been about feminism (at the time).
Opdat het niet vergeten wordt - Thomas Heerma van Vos. An article about the haunting World War 2 memories of writer Gerhard Durlacher.
B&B - Yannick Dangre. About the correspondence of two completely different writers and unique characters, showman Boudewijn Büch and hermit Jeroen Brouwers reaching out to each other.
Goede Papieren - Literature Museum magazine
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Goede Papieren - Literature Museum magazine

Three illustrations for three different articles in "Goede Papieren" the magazine for friends and samaritans of the Dutch Literature Museum.

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