Profil von Design 106Profil von Andrea Rojas

Prevention of child sexual abuse campaign

In an early stage thought to be a online game or interactive website turned out different as we realised that many of the people we wanted to reach were more focused on dedicating their precious time into social network and sharing content. 

So we started doing what we do, and we drew.

Once we had our illustrations it was time to get in motion, and worked on the video we wanted to be the center of the campaign. 

We had our video but we still missed the magic games bring so we decided to make version of collectable cards with the matching theme and aesthetics.

We worked on some posters that could show, one by one,
all the signs of sexual abuse in children as a way to make people much more aware.

On a next step we made an infographic with real data about abuse happening in the UK, where the organization NNECA takes place.

We also thought in giving the brand even more power by making some side products, such as tote bags. This time only with a call to action and our beloved illustrations.

Prevention of child sexual abuse campaign

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Prevention of child sexual abuse campaign

Graphic campaign to bring awareness towards signs of child sexual abuse that included social media, video, infographics, editorial design and mor Mehr anzeigen
