My interpretation of the 'What's the Story?' Brief at LSAD Animation and Motion Design.

With this project the goal was to find and record an interesting story from among our friends, family or complete strangers. I decided to fuel my FYP which deals with a future imagining of Limerick City; as such I took it upon myself to ask people from around Limerick what they think their city will be like in the future. I got a host of great answers, but the best was from the lovely lady at Paints 'n' Pencils, a local art supplies store.

I felt that visually the best way to capture what was being said was through a clean vector style which caters nicely to both the silly and the serious themes mentioned. This was also a chance for me to further explore this style of animation which I briefly touched on in my Animated Gif at the start of 4th year. Continuing on from the Infographic project I also took this opportunity to test some interesting transitions between shots.
Preliminary Work - Sketchbook & Style Frame
"What's The Story?"

"What's The Story?"

A project at LSAD Animation & Motion Design in which we had to find a story among our family, friends, or complete strangers. With my project I d 자세히 보기
