These are promotional posters that I created for different regions in the Boston, Massachusetts area. 
This region wanted a slightly different design. I made the layout different but kept the format similar. 
Instagram posts. These were posted during the 2016 season.
Instagram posts. These are for the 2017 season.
This was Snapchat filter that I made for a tournament called Soccerween. It included costumes, soccer and a lot of fun. These were some examples of my filter being used.
I made this Thanksgiving GIF to promote GPS and they posted it to their social media. My first ever attempt at making a GIF.
This was a graphic used for FC Bayern Munchen within GPS marketing material.
This was a club wide graphic that was nationally circulated for everyone to reference.
Simple handout. Was supplied with content and designed with Frankie Fry. Layout was created to keep simplicity.
This was an electronic flyer. It was sent out via e-mail and posted on social media to promote the branded tents.

Global Premier Soccer- Graphic Designer


Global Premier Soccer- Graphic Designer

These are all projects that I completed with Global Premier Soccer. I was a graphic designer directly within the marketing department.
