Lighting plays a very important role in our lives and many people underestimate how important it is and how crucial it is to our well-being. Like many other animals our bodies respond to light which regulates our circadian rhythms. If you do not receive the correct signals at the correct time than this will have a significant impact on your health. Your circadian rhythm is effectively your body’s natural clock, which regulates your mood, appetite, digestion, sleep length and quality and it has a profound impact on your energy levels.

FoxFire App Home Screen

FoxFire App Log In Screen
The app incorporates the FoxFire colour scheme keeping the entire experience true to the brands background and keeping the product fluid as a whole.
How FoxFire Works
FoxFire App Notifications Side Panel
As part of Foxfire’s development I decided I wanted a clear interface design that would encourage the user to use the app more frequently and to explore all the possibilities of FoxFire’s network as a whole system.
The interface is very easy to navigate and it has a simple layout that lets the user adjust their lights from any screen on the device.
The app lets the user control their lights across their home with a few simple taps on the Hub or smart device’s screen they will be able to adjust the intensity of the lights and they can even change the colour of the LED’s to suit their mood.
FoxFire App Usage Screen
Logo Ideation
Angelique Hering
Completed Logo
First draft of the colour scheme. Problem is the colours feel cold
My final design solution has been informed through my focused research of colours and their connection to emotion and feelings.  Much like the origin of the brand, FoxFire, which is derived from Finnish mythology of a mystical fox sweeping snow into the sky causing the northern lights (Aurora borealis). “a beast fable, in which the lights were caused by a magical fox sweeping his tail across the snow spraying it up into the sky.” - Sami Mythology
FoxFire Font taking shape, tweaked colours
reworked colours
colours still feel cold, background image feels lost
Logo Added to draft
Colour Scheme and Backdrop Finalised
The conversion from blue to red is a representation for movement, adjustment and control.
Completed Theme and Brand
The colours through the FoxFire theme were influenced from my time abroad in Finland. The blue represents a cooler climate but more importantly Blue, (the colour of sky and water) represents calmness and serenity. The red evoked feelings of attention and alertness, and it also increases your blood pressure, pulse and breathing.
Development of FoxHub
3D Printed Hub
Rendered Hub with App Screen

FoxFire’s Hub is designed with function in mind, its sleek and beautiful finish of polished chrome plating creates a sense of value along with a modern feel. Its compact and lightweight frame sits effortlessly into the users hand with all functions easily controlled with one hand
Clean render of FoxHub
The Hub is, in a sense the heart of the FoxFire experience, it needed to look and feel valuable since the entire project is based on well-being end energy efficiency, Including luxurious finishes and a simple design, this would be key in evoking feelings of value and emotional connection between product and user. This was a major factor in settling on the chosen design of the FoxFire Hub. Offering the user a sleek, clean, luxurious finish with aluminium on chrome to create a product that the average homeowner would desire, while fitting into the styling of modern apartments
Side Render of FoxHub
The solution which I finally decided on was FoxFire: Emo-Chromatic Lighting. The mission of FoxFire is to help the user to receive the correct amount of light throughout the day and night to counteract seasonal disorders like SAD and depression. Its main aim is to improve the user’s well-being whilst saving energy with low cost LED bulbs and reducing the user’s carbon footprint.

