Polyethylene terephthalate, high-density polyethylene, low-density polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene,  and polystyrene… all these synthetic words that are so remote from nature were the subject of my study.

I started with a radically aggressive position of an environment defender and wanted to show all the terrible consequences that appear after using the materials listed above. However, as time passed, my views have changed. Plastic is an integral part of our lives and it holds the resources that can be used in future.

I took the first major polluter on the planet: the plastic bag - and recycled it in order to create a series of unique objects like raincoat, umbrella, backpack, bag and a plant pot ... The large format album showcases a strange beauty of my material: chaotic patterns and colour palettes, overlay of prints, the use of local cultures and languages. 

In my work, I argue that the processed waste is 
an alternative material for the future.

The video below was done with incredible help by Felix Umarov.
*All the bags which were used, I got as a donation from across the university. 



The bachelor degree work, which is dedicated to the issue of the polluted world and the benefits of a waste recycling. The unique 11 objects are Read More
