Doing America
 Travelling guides to the american dream

'Iwent out searching for the plain America, not the one of the high society andthe culture, but the one of the cheesy motels, the diners and the highways'. Baudrillard
I wenton a journey, carrying with me the book 'America', by JeanBaudrillard. I've searched for the many faces of the American dream in the mostdistant places I could find, where it still exists. I chose to design a seriesof travel guides to the US, suggesting a critical, philosophical, and visualpoint of view to that dream, a journey between reality and fantasy, and at theplaces where they both meet.

The project was made as my final project in my visual commuincation B.D in Hit. I've created 3 different books : 'The california dream', 'The cowboy path' (From Texas to Arizona) and 'The road' (The old road 66). All the content was designed, written and edited by me.

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My final project
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My final project

'Doing America' - A series of travel guides to the United States, Following the great myths of the American dream, between the myth and the reali Ver mais

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