The concept for the Novemeber brief of Young glory is a way to Inform young people of the dangers of Fentanyl, to decrease the amount of overdoses... Choose an approach that will have the greatest chance at earning attention and media.

My concept is based around a combination of Print and Ambient installations.

The most powerful fact i found when reading about the drug was the fact that the difference in most cases between an overdose and a good night was one grain of salt.

I decided to use that as the main driver behind my concept but also make it harder hitting by incorporating the viewer into the ambient add which would use billboards with built in cameras.

This is the initial poster using minimal text and the common names associated with the drug.
The first image that would be seen on the billboard is the same as that of the posters.
As the viewer of the billboard reads the ad it scans their face and the billboard shows the models face being manipulated and adjusted as the viewers face is scanned.

This shows the final image that comes up on the billboard showing the viewers face blended into the poster.
This will make the poster more impactful and give the user if they have heard of the drugs or someone that uses them more reason to read into the drug and spread the word about how easy it is to overdose.
November Brief

November Brief

The concept for the Novemeber brief of Young glory is a way to Inform young people of the dangers of Fentanyl, to decrease the amount of overdose Read More
