This drop brief required a new brand of rooibos tea to be rebranded in South Africa, Unites States of America and Europe, specifically for sales online. As well as a new name which needed to be original to the target countries, as well as a logo design which needed to be created.

The name of brand is pretty self explanatory as the Rooibos plant is based in Africa, it would only make sense to sell the product at its true identity. In doing this I came up with the name ‘OUT OF AFRICA’.

Colour Scheme & Logo 

I chose a colour scheme that would best represent colours of Africa, as well as the colours found in the name ‘Rooibos’ which translates to ‘Red-bush’ in Afrikaans. In doing this I came up with three suitable colours that I believed best represented the tea (red, orange and dark purple). Each colour held a specific link to Africa. The red linking to the sand in which the bush men grew their grass in the red sand. Orange with a close tint to brown to reflect the hot sun that shines down on the plant and a purple for the Khoisan who were apart of the discovery.

When looking for ideas of the logo it was ideal to look for something different in order to emphasis the concept of ‘out of Africa’ tea. After looking for the obvious designs such as cave paintings and the Rooibos plant, I decided to change my view by zooming out and focused on the African concept and looked at African masks. As a result I found myself constructing a minimal line drawing of an african mask as I found this would best portray the an African feel.
The name of brand is pretty self explanatory as the Rooibos plant is based in Africa, it would only make sense to sell the product at its true identity. In doing this I came up with the name ‘OUT OF AFRICA’. 
Tea Packaging

Tea Packaging

Rebranding Rooibos Tea
