Профиль Adriel Wool

Stream of Consciousness and constants search.

"stream of consciousness search and constants"

A collage from a stream of consciousness search for tools..

There; a big, big picture of the math research for audio processing, speech recognition -beauty in the patterns of nature, being condensed to tools.

The only thing sure from this; the only thought that rides the massive wave of facts, is this:

...if we fail to honor the beauty, and if we seek only the condensed utility...then it is whoever does that; who becomes the one condensed into a tool.

If I were to guess...this here, represents a map of (gotta be) 500 years worth of material for progress still yet to come.

This was a stream of consciousness-search; guided by intuition, about some static information regarding a living universe (and in respect to the fact, and all the sub facts observed.)


(a collage of information from searching the internet in impossible preparation for the also-impossible. It would have been a leap, from an unknown origin, to an unknown destination; hence only intuition's guide was followed; collecting this and these.)
Stream of Consciousness and constants search.


Stream of Consciousness and constants search.

the search as a stream of consciousness as a series of finds of constants, a collage record of a section of that search


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