Alberto Silla's profile

"Rec 3 : Génesis" movie poster

"REC 3: Génesis" poster, personal project.
I really like to do fan-made posters (though I don't even upload a lot of it), and I also like Halloween season. So I decided to design a poster for a movie I really like a lot. 
I hope you all have watched the movie I am talking about: one of the best spanish horror movies of the last decade, "REC 3: Génesis". The REC movies are part of a quite good saga of horror movies directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza, and I recommend you all the saga. A lot.
The third part (directed by Paco Plaza) is my favorite movie, because before of the 4th part was released, I saw the trilogy like the Evil Dead trilogy. Yeah, I know is a hard sentence, but it's totally true. REC 3 have a lot of comedy well mixed with horror sequences (and gore ones) and also have a word and a chainsaw...
For the poster, I wanted to do something different from the beginning. As always, I wanted to evolve and make new things and new style decissions. The color, the way I want to show my vision of the movie, is quite different than I usually show in my works. Maybe it's not a good decission, but it's already made, enjoy it!
The plot (quite simplified) show us a wedding that occurs the same day than a zombie apocalypse... I don't want to spoil you a lot of the movie, so I'm going to try to explain little things about the poster. The main character of the poster is, obviously, the wife. At the end of the movie she turns into a real badass, so it's quite fair to give all the poster to her. The second character it's not so obvious... it's the wedding dress. It forms part of our protagonist during all the movie, and it's like another character: it changes, evolves... 
You can see I wanted to make this poster quite simply (Jay Shaw, I love you man!) but I wanted to highlight somethings with my style. In this case, those eyes. The actress, Leticia Dolera, has a lovely green eyes, so you can guess how they looks during all the wedding: rain, blood, rimmel.... Now take a new look to the poster. If your eyes goes from the wife eyes to the movie title, drawing a wonderful diagonal, my work here is done!
For the movie title I just found a quite good typography I wanted to use so badly since a few months ago. I touch some points of it (points maybe you didn't notice at first sight) but it gives the perfect retro style to the poster.
As I told before, I wanted to show the movie like an old one, because when I saw it I remembered the lot the good old times with all the gore and stuff, Army of Darkness specially.
"Rec 3 : Génesis" movie poster

"Rec 3 : Génesis" movie poster

Personal project. Movie poster for one of the best spanish horror movies of the decade "Rec 3: Génesis".
