Profiel van Dave Bergman

2016 Gregorian and Chinese Lunisolar Hybrid Calendar

You are looking at the entire year 2016 of the Gregorian calendar system, along with the corresponding parts of two years of the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar, the end of AR 104 乙未 (the year of the Wood Goat) and, beginning February 8, 2016, most of AR 105 丙申, year of the Fire Monkey. Each radial line represents one ordinal day, with the ordinal shown in the very outermost ring, as well as in the two innermost rings, where every fifth ordinal is shown, both in ascending and descending (i.e. day remaining in the year). Note that the dominant perspective is from the Southern Hemisphere; this choice was made so that the days would progress in a clockwise direction, which a lifetime of clock usage has ingrained in me as the "correct" direction for time to move forward. The four images of earth, pictured from below the ecliptic plane looking north, support this directional choice, and show the earth's relative positions and seasonality on the two equinoxes and solstices. The phases of the moon are shown and their relationship to the Chinese cycle of months can be clearly seen.
2016 Gregorian and Chinese Lunisolar Hybrid Calendar


2016 Gregorian and Chinese Lunisolar Hybrid Calendar

The year 2016 of the Gregorian calendar Common Era, along with the corresponding parts of two years of the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar Meer lezen
