A video reel showcasing my work from the last few years at the Limerick School of Art & Design. The brief also provided the opportunity to re-brand ourselves through the intro and outro of the reel. I was aware that I had changed a lot, both as a person and a designer since my last self branding project so I took it upon myself to reflect these changes.

The logo is simple and quite minimal; I wanted a strong main colour, but muted to allow the logo to sit well on white, but also to let the black from the intro stand out more. The brown and grey follow the same idea.

The fonts used are of my own creation for the name, and a modified Myriad Pro for the surname. The infinity symbol and its animation suggest the continuous process of reiteration that one must undergo on a daily basis as a designer. Where as the incomplete red/brown ‘p’ and ‘l’ mean to say that there’s always room to improve.
The Logo
Preliminary Work
Showreel 2016
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Showreel 2016

A showreel containing working from my last few years at LSAD Animation & Motion Design. A new brand and logo was also designed in order to showca Daha Fazla Bilgi

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