A strategic urban intervention to educate and stimulated urban agriculture amoungst children.
The ultimate goal of the compost machine, the Green Machine, is the local production of good quality earth for urban agriculture
projects, or m² gardens.
All the ingredients needed for urban agriculture are facilitated by the Green Machine; rainwater collection, rainwater storage, watering, year-round composting, as well as indoor and ground based cultivation.
Because worm compost bins are placed in an insulated area, compost can be produced throughout the year, generating fertile soil for cultivation in the warmer months.
Education, economy
Doepel Strijkers connects urban agriculture in the Tarwewijk to children. At full capacity the Green Machine achieves an output of compost on a yearly basis that is sufficient for approximately 200 square meters of garden. Surplus compost and food are sold or exchanged by children. The process of ‘collecting waste-composting-planting-harvesting-consuming’ is illustrated didactically by the design of the machine and physically by the children themselves in practice.

In the Tarwewijk the collaboration with the S(peel) V(ereniging) Tarwewijk is set up because of the social infrastructure that the playground embodies in this position. Moreover, among the members are owners of allotment gardens.
This is the basis for local knowledge centre and production of compost.
With the placement of the square meter gardens, the cycle is completed.
Social, economic and ecological benefits Green Machine
The placement of the green machine in combination with the square foot gardens provides the following benefits:
* Using rainwater reduces pressure on the municipal sewage system
* Awareness of the value of waste
* GFT waste recycling
* Awareness of healthy eating
* Production in a social context
* Movement
* Connections between the different neighbourhoods in the Tarwewijk (5).
* Economic return

The ‘Green Machine’ is, commissioned by Droog Design for the project WIJkonomie Tarwewijk, designed by Doepel Strijkers and is jointly developed and exploited with Cultureel Denkwerk. The first ‘Green Machine’ is in collaboration with Wijk- en Speeltuinverening Tarwewijk built and installed at their location. 


A strategic urban intervention to educate and stimulated urban agriculture amoungst children.
