Com­ple­tion date: Dec, 2015
We've de­signed and built a web­site for an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist Egor Kraft, with the mo­bile ver­sion & news cross­post­ing fea­ture linked to In­sta­gram and Tumblr. 
We've made a photo doc­u­men­ta­tion of the art­works as well as shot and edited self-ex­plana­tory films about his con­cep­tual works. We have also de­signed iden­tity & printed col­lat­eral, in­clud­ing port­fo­lio and busi­ness cards.
Photo & Video
Publisert: Com­ple­tion date: Dec, 2015 We've de­signed and built a web­site for an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist Egor Kraft, with the mo­b Se mer
