IRIS Absinthe
Fictitious Absinthe Branding
This project consisted of a live brief set by JKR in which I was expected to create a visual brand identity for a fictitious range of Absinthe. While researching traditional absinthe lore I discovered that during its early popularity absinthe created a reputation for itself in opening the 'mind's eye' and became widely known for its hallucinatory behaviour.

I began looking at other reference points of eyes appearing in unusual places and found some very striking visuals particularly within peacock feathers. I began working on a lino print reflecting the fluid and sinister images that absinthe so notoriously conjures up. The name Iris was decided on and a layout chosen that would help reinforce the image of a piercing gaze. A frosted bottle was chosen staying true to the ambiguous nature of the drink.
IRIS Absinthe

IRIS Absinthe

Alcoholic Absinthe drink bottle design.
