Features and inquiries: dia@aeternus.sk
Tired of the winter, we tried to escape it on the curvy roads of Israel, changing the boundaries of routine to the chaos of colours, smells and noises. 

Celebrating the ‘here and now‘ instead of the New Year’s Eve, we are spending the first day of 2015 floating in the Dead Sea and watching how are disappearing the last sparkles of light in the hills. The second day takes us on a crowded bus to the direction of the Negev desert. Ghost town streets walked only by ibexes, bright yellow canyons. We spend the night in a silent camp where time stopped in another dimension, listening to the sounds of campfire and stories of locals. A huge tent is our shelter until the sunrise…


Tired of the winter, we tried to escape it on the curvy roads of Israel, changing the boundaries of routine to the chaos of colours, smells and n Read More


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