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Arrow Actors - Once Upon a Mattress Posters

Final Poster Designs:
My hand-lettering design. (Finish production is above  look at the finished designs. I clipped image into letters on the first one: 
The hand-lettering, I decided not to go with:
The thumbnails drawing for the posters:
Close-up of the thumbnail for the audition poster:
Close-up of the thumbnail for promoting the show:
These posters that I designed for a class project are meant to help us to learn how to work with clients in the real world. I was asked by Gigi (the client) to design posters in honor of Arrow Actors 25th year anniversary: one is to promote the show and the other to promote the casting calls. 
Steps I took in order to design these posters for the client: research about the company; what styles did the use in the past; how does this client want me to produce this design.
Here are the links I came across during my research:
 1. Google search under images (Rodgers and Hammerstein Production/posters)
Demographics of Clinton Area. (because this show was produced locally) Used cast members’ images provided by the client. The reason I wanted to keep the local actors on the poster was to give a sense of community/importance of the family. 
To design these posters, I mainly used Photoshop and illustrator softwares. The client wanted them to be "fun and colorful" posters that appeal to the Clinton Area. To achieve this, I used the following techniques and skills I learned in Graphic Design Courses at MC: placing images, image trace, transform/distort, adjustment layers, color usage, clipping paths, layer template, blend if, layer masking, clipping masks, place embedded images, compound paths, inner shadow effects, etc. Most, if not all these skills were incorporated in making these posters. 
Arrow Actors - Once Upon a Mattress Posters

Arrow Actors - Once Upon a Mattress Posters

Arrow Actor's presents "Once Upon a Mattress" designs.
