Perfil de ed martin

Flymo mini trim

Detail of the proposed vent design. Me, Ian and Katherine struggled to combine the pivot, and air vent al into one space to.
Some very tough surfacing by the very taleted guys at i4 product design, featuring Ewan and Brian behind the mouse in this case... Organic surfacing is tough any time, but then doing the internal B surface as well, just makes these guys stand out. They deliver. On time.
SLA parts to test all manner of stuff... assembly was pretty importnat howver, not to mention, does it all fit in the box. CAD will only take you so far... :)
4.5 out of 5 aint bad.
Yup. Did the battery versions too. We did have some problems with supplier battery quality though...
Flymo mini trim

Flymo mini trim

Flymo electric corded grass trimmer
