Brief - criar uma linha para Hotelaria partindo do conceito "not so fast food", tendo em conta a sua adaptabilidade às tecnologias e a conquistas de novos mercados.

Brief - create a line for Catering under the concept "not so fast food", taking into account its adaptability to technology and the achievements of new markets.
Moodboard | Process

A linha Focus parte do conceito Sensorial. Na hora da refeição pretende-se que não apenas o paladar e olfacto, mas também a visão e o tacto sejam parte da experiênica do consumidor.

Focus is born from the Sensory concept. At mealtime it is intended that not only taste and smell, but also the sight and touch are part of the consumer experience.


Focus is one of the proposals that is part of the project developed with SPAL porcelains for the master's degree in Product Design | Faculty of F Rozwiń
